Saturday, October 20, 2007


"You walk the path like Charlie Brown,
You're full of hope, but with your head down.
And you only have one eye to see;
The other's closed, and too scared to peek.
The silence of the heart can leave you shattered
And now you're torn, torn to tattered."

For once, I feel nothing like that. The world seems inviting, like it is giving me a second chance. When i look outside and see the autumn, feeling the gives me hope...and peace.

Click here for pictures

^ The Loveliness of Autumn


Thursday, October 4, 2007

Here it goes again.

Yes, I know that you've probably already seen this.
Yes, I know that everyone (and their brother) has already posted this.
And yes, I know that this fad passed away months and months ago...

But, in celebration of this song finally being present on my iPod (and my iPod actually working, for that matter), I now present Ok Go on treadmills.

